GET Ecuador Statements
What we believe in
GET Ecuador is a local Cultural Exchange Organization founded by professionals whose passion is to share the amazing natural regions and culture that Ecuador mainland and the Galapagos Islands offer. We believe that living abroad is a unique opportunity of cultural understanding and personal growth learning about a new culture and sharing your own.
Our dedicated and specialized team has worked in the industry for many years and have remarkable experience organizing high quality programs in the educational and travel fields.
GET Ecuador Statements
Our Mission
GET Ecuador mission is to provide quality educational and travel experiences in Ecuador’s mainland and the Galapagos Islands for groups: High school and College/University students, families, and adults. We provide these experiences considering stringent environment and security policies. Our programs involve the following activities: Spanish lessons. Volunteer opportunities. Summer Programs. Customized trips in amazing locations.
Our Vision
VISION We envision a country (Ecuador Mainland and Galapagos Islands) that is viewed as an example of progress and good environmental practices. One in which responsible tourism is a way of life for the local community, Organizations, visitors and volunteers. Participants will share with local people becoming part of the community.
CORPORATE VALUES: Responsibility. Ethic. Punctuality. Team work.

Responsible Travel Policy
GET Ecuador works together with social and conservation projects in order to promote volunteer and travel experiences that contribute to responsible travel around the country.All the initiatives are developed taking in consideration the following aspects:
The volunteer and travel programs are opened year round. We work with local staff and the assistance of international volunteers to ensure the progress of the activities to promote local development. Our partners are local NGOs, hospitals, conservation projects and schools. The accommodation provided is at host families, project sites and small hostels in order to encourage the local economy progress. Part of the fee each volunteer pay is donated to the project to assure it´s growth throughout the years.
GET Ecuador programs are designed bearing in mind Responsible Tourism, therefore the activities we organize follow green practices. Our GO GREEN program is focused on recycling actions and we encourage our providers to follow techniques that contribute to the conservation of the environment. Local providers.- maintain water waste control plans, proper use of electricity at all times, recycling methods: separation of trash: organic, inorganic, plastic and glass. Visitors should be informed about these actions. We avoid the use of motorized vehicles as much as possible, and promote biking and hiking trips to eliminate unnecessary contamination.
Our volunteer programs and trips contribute to the preservation of local cultures and traditions, offering an open communication before and during the arrival to Ecuador. Each participant will receive a complete pre-departure pack that contains important information about the country, and volunteer program site. Once in Quito we will give a comprehensive orientation briefing to help each participant get acquainted in the city. They will also learn about the code of conduct to be followed on the volunteer project to accomplish a great volunteer experience respecting the local guidelines.
Photos by: Ricardo Zambrano – Ecuadorian Photographer